Friday, 26 September 2008

What Recession?

Adweek is the latest source to confirm what is becoming increasingly obvious. Whilst the broader economy might be feeling the impact of the global credit crunch fall-out, digital marketing remains poised for growth, according to the latest data from eMarketer.

Advertisers will spend about $25 billion online this year in the U.S., eMarketer projects, which is a growth rate of 17.4 percent over last year. In 2009, growth will drop somewhat, but will still yield an impressive 14.5 percent for total ad spending of $28.5 billion.

By 2011, an anticipated boom in online video advertising, combined with a recovered economy, will mean spending growth greater than 20 percent for the first time since 2007. Marketers are expected to devote more than $40 billion to online advertising that year.

Last night, the fundamental shift in advertising spend was apparent when our weekly free copy of the BOP Property Press dropped onto the carport floor. A year ago, it contained about 84 pages. Last night, it was nearer 50. The real estate market might be quiet, but that is only part of the story. The reality is that property advertising has shifted online big time.

For now, the online advertising space seems to be as recession proof as any.

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