Tuesday, 9 September 2008

The Tipping Point

I am currently reading Malcolm Gladwell's business bestseller, 'The Tipping Point'. It talks about how little things can make a big difference.

In my current drive to build Pingar from Tauranga, I think we have reached a kind of tipping point here. No doubt that is in part down to the very positive response we have been experiencing from different agencies and individuals at both a local and a national level. Part is also undoubtedly down to the enthusiasm being demonstrated by the team of people being assembled to promote the vision. There is now recognition about what Pingar is and what our ambition stands for.

When asked to identify a single event that might have assisted reach this point, I struggle. It really is a combination of factors across both the development and the communication spectrum. The key though I guess really is the creation of this shared vision and the confidence it has generated.

You cannot 'buy' confidence. It has to be earned. Over the past few months, I have met some amazing people in the Bay. Pingar's position today is down to their promotion of this vision and their engagement and sharing it with others.

Setting up a start-up can be a lonely place to be. As of now, I know which side of the tipping point I prefer to be.

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