Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Broadband from the Boardroom

Today's New Zealand Herald contained a 'Mood of the Boardroom' supplement. It made interesting reading.

The issue of Broadband will not go away.

When asked, 'should the Government invest directly in broadband', 41% of CEO's interviewed said 'yes'. When the 'yes' vote was analysed further, 74% said the Government should buy Telecom's copper and optic networks, 56% said it should take a stake (with other telcos) in Telecom's network and 76% said the Government should invest directly in a new network.

12 month's ago, I remember that the NZ Government's own Digital Strategy supported a team at the MOE to actively encourage and fund investment in community-based, community-owned fibre optic networks. 6 months ago, the money ran out and key members of the MOE team, including its head, Peter Macauley left.

The need for an improved broadband network in New Zealand is real. Unfortunately, with the ongoing regulatory discussions focused on Telecom's future, I do not see it happening any time soon. And NZ business will continue to suffer as a result.

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