Monday, 21 April 2008

UK - 'Closed for Business'

24/7 is still some way off

Doing business in the UK from New Zealand can be a challenge. Some UK enterprises do not make it easy.

The online Government-funded Companies House portal is only open from 7.00 - 24.00 GMT.

Try and access your online company bank account and request customer support at 3.00am in the UK. 'Sorry, the lines open at 8.00am'.

And even the BBC, one of the world's most watched web portals, only allows users to contribute to its 606 service during 'Opening Hours'. That's 9.00 - 23.00 GMT.

In a world where global engagement is 24/7 and online comms are the norm, it is frustrating that some major UK enterprises cannot think outside the box. Servers require only so much maintenance. There is no excuse.

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