Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Voices for Innovation

I have received an email from Claire O'Halloran, Emerging Partners Lead, Microsoft UK SMS&P Partner Group drawing my attention to a new initiative called Voices for Innovation (VFI). I have signed up.

The concept behind it is solid. So is the opportunity to network on the Member's Community Forum. Any opportunity to network online with global partners is essential when based in geographically remote regions such as ours. One point: VFI has been inspired by Microsoft and I therefore guess many of its initial members will be Microsoft partners. The key to its success will therefore rely on its ability to remain agnostic from 'The Master'.

But VFI is more than just another social (B2B) networking site. It is designed to provide its members with a means of lobbying global opinion formers about the need to manage and encourage innovation as a key policy objective. Time will tell if this forum can actually help achieve this.

If you want to make a difference and make New Zealand's ICT voice heard, you can sign up here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In plain English Astroturfing.