Wednesday, 25 July 2007

That's life Hesham!

The news that Dubai Aerospace Enterprise plans to acquire between 51 per cent and 60 per cent of Auckland International Airport is causing quite a stir. Even Winston Peters, our mild-mannered Foreign Minister, has had a few words to stay.

My mind goes back to the end of March when I met Hesham Saleh, in NZTE's offices in Dubai. I was there to discuss Pingar and the regional opportunities that might exist to support its development. Hesham was hugely helpful.

The importance of the UAE region has already been identified by NZTE and in the recent Cullen budget, funds have been made available to expand the NZTE Beachhead program in Dubai.

What now? In my view, Dubai Aerospace Enterprise's interest in AIA should be seen as part of the huge potential that closer economic cooperation between NZ and the UAE could bring. Just ask Grant Dalton and Emirates Team New Zealand. Or maybe just pop in for a coffee with Hesham when you are next passing by.

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