Friday, 6 July 2007

Bay Broadband

'Bay Broadband is a project funded and driven by seven Bay of Plenty Councils to ensure that there is a bright future for Broadband in the region'. So says the pdf brochure just received by email. It is great to see that this project is now underway.

18 months ago, a small group of us set up the 'Urban Fibre Network' committee for the Bay of Plenty. It was supported by the Ministry of Economic Development and mapped the Government's long-term Digital Strategy. The founding members included Craig Garner, ex CEO of Tauranga Chamber of Commerce, Simon Buchanon of New Media and Maurice French of Spirit Wireless. It was clear to us then that in order to gain traction, local government had to drive the initiative.

Bay Broadband is the outcome. The challenges will be great, but the long-term benefits not in doubt. Improved broadband access in the Bay will greatly enhance the economic and social potential this exciting region can offer.

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