Friday, 22 June 2007

FP7 Anyone?

My UK-based Pingar partner, John Beer is once again in Brussels, contracted to the European Commission as a Technology Expert, Rapporteur and Assessor for requests for funding of R&D and commercialisation projects in the European ICT sector. We spoke this morning via Skype.

I have blogged BEFORE about FP7 funding. Following the Skype call, I had a look at the Cordis funding portal to check out NZ engagement. Under 'Partners', I found 5 references to New Zealand; Under News, I found 39; Under Events, 3, Under Programmes, 0.

Digging deeper, it became clear that New Zealand was referenced in many cases only as a cluster of other country names. The key measure laid in participation in actual funded Programmes. Here, the cupboard appears to be bare.

NZ economists often comment on New Zealand's supposed disengagement from the global economy in terms of OECD reports. Perhaps they, and business leaders, should check out the Cordis Funding portal to find out how this process could be reversed.

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