Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Auckland Bound

I am taking to the road. I am Auckland-bound.

It's all part of the ongoing Pingar development strategy. Whilst Tauranga provides a great base, there are times when a trip to the 'big city' is required. So between now and next Tuesday, a packed diary of meetings and engagements have been scheduled in.

What's interesting about these trips though is that they are becoming less frequent. Tauranga, the fastest growing City in New Zealand, now provides many of the services that before were only available in Auckland. Evidence of this can be seen in the range of companies who have now signed up for the 'Stay in the Bay' e-marketplace. We recently relaunched this with Priority One, the Western Bay of Plenty Economic Development Agency. It is evidence of the thriving business community that now make up the economic backbone of 'The Bay'.

It can only get bigger.

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