Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Wellington Bound

'Windy' Bound Tomorrow

I cannot believe it's Wednesday!

According to my blog, Monday and Tuesday did not happen. I mean, I try and blog every day but for some reason (one reason actually) nothing happened. So that is that.

Tomorrow (that's Thursday), I am off to Wellington. It's some time since I last hit Lambton Quay and a series of appointments await. Following Microsoft's Startup Accelerator press release last week, the word has hit the fan, so to speak, and immediate opportunities have emerged. So Lambton Quay it is. And Willis Street, I think.

I can say that I have given a couple of press interviews over the past couple of days. One question was common: 'What is it like managing Pingar, an online software business, from a centre such as Tauranga"? Only journalists based in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch would ask.

It was a variation of the theme I constantly encountered in London earlier in the year. "Why New Zealand?", they asked. "Why not?", I replied. And that really is that.

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