Monday, 24 September 2007

Office Marketplace Holiday 'Gift'

Microsoft has a proposal for Smart Analytics.

Office Online is considering putting together a “Holiday Gift Guide” which would include offerings from Office Marketplace providers, including Smart Analytics. This gift guide will be targeted to all Office Online customers in the US during the holiday season (November & December).

Microsoft has asked if we could let them know if we have a product or service which would be appropriate to be given as a gift. The answer of course is 'yes'.

Smart Analytics will be commissioning a custom report for this purpose. The plan is to provide Office Marketplace users with an opportunity to experience the benefits of web service enabled publishing and dynamic reporting.

We value our Office Marketplace relationship. This proposition provides Smart Analytics with a great 'route to market' and is too good an opportunity to miss. The decision now is to determine the content of the 'gift'. For those not familiar with our Office Marketplace presence, you can check it out here.

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