Saturday, 15 September 2007

Frank Vosper - Supreme Winner!

Frank Vosper (above) has been named the supreme winner of the inaugural Tauranga Community Spirit Awards.

The award is well deserved. Frank has raised significant sums of money for deserving charities and causes in Tauranga and the wider Bay of Plenty. His charity auctions do not end there. Frank has traveled the length and breadth of New Zealand in his service to the community.

Frank and his partner Pam are good friends of Jacqui and mine. We joined him for a celebration on Thursday evening and met up again last night. So what follows is a wholly indecent plug for his new enterprise, Vosper Realty.

Frank set up his new real estate business a few months ago. He's good. So it is easy for me to recommend his services to anyone looking at relocating to the Tauranga region. In the world of residential property, Frank really is the man.

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