Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Microsoft - Connecting to Wave 14

Credit to UX Evangelist for the Wave 14 road map above....

That's some list. It's quite a bit longer than the one posted in the previous blog. It just goes to show.

Next plan is to find the blogs for each of the 'Wave 14' products. And then bookmark them. I used to think that the Mount Main beach provided big waves. Nothing touches this however for a comprehensive roll out.

I now expect the 2009 Microsoft Worldwide Partners Conference in New Orleans next month to be an even more hectic affair. What will inflate the interest is this combined roll out and its interaction with Azure - 'The Cloud'. My own guess is that more and more of these roll outs will see increasing integration with 'The Cloud'.

I am now first however preparing for 'The Wave'. According to Mr Dive, it is all about getting the initial set-up right.

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