Sunday, 13 July 2008

The Silence is Broken

I'm glad to be back online. And posting once more.

It would be nice to think that my 7 day 'silence' was down to the fact that there was no internet connectivity on the quiet Fiji beach, the one with all that white sand. Fanciful perhaps, but sadly not true.

Last week was just damn busy. Throw in 1,000 kilometers driving and you begin to get the picture. Wall to wall appointments, dawn till dusk and beyond. And the week ahead looks like being the same. By turning my focus back to 'local', I have added hours to the working day.

What I have discovered however is much of what I was looking for in London, in LA and in the UAE, actually exists in the Bay. I just did not know where to look. So Frank, Nick, Peter and others have opened up new doors, new opportunities. The silence is broken.

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