Friday, 30 May 2008

Selling the Dream

As a start up company operating in the online space, Pingar has gone through all the highs and lows that come with taking an idea and transforming it into reality.

The highs and lows come at many levels. At a personal level, they can at times be quite stressful, but it is that absolute belief in what you are setting out to achieve that keeps you going. A characteristic that many entrepreneurs share is the concept of the 'calculated risk'. Sometimes it is difficult to quantify this, but it is an instinct honed by experience and judgement.

This week was one of those weeks that reaffirmed that belief. I have posted a number of blogs about Pingar's partnering and strategic alliance strategy over the past year. This week, that paid off handsomely, in the form of real client engagement in both NZ and the UK. No names, since NDA's mean the lips are still zipped. However, the successful 'selling of the dream' that has dominated my life for so long makes those calculated risks worth taking.

Next Saturday, I am joining Startup Magazine to shoot a video in Auckland about my experiences with Pingar. It will cover both the highs and the lows. When the video is available, I will post it on the blog.

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