Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Vodafone Roaming

I can feel the pain

Driving back from Hamilton this afternoon, I received a txt from Vodafone NZ. It advised that important changes to roaming changes had been made and to find out more about 'Traveller our zone' prices, I could freecall 495.

'Roaming Charges'. I have been stung before. Badly. Traveling offshore necessitates some mobile use. And this is when Vodafone strike.

Skype helps enormously when connected to a PC. In the UK, I use 'pay as you go' SIM cards. In India that is not possible. You need to be a resident to purchase a SIM card. So the roaming charges kick in and they hurt.

I have not yet called freecall 495. I need a strong drink first. I'll pour it now.

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