Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Tauranga Council 'On Trial'

The results for the Tauranga Council elections came in over the weekend.

As expected, Stuart Crosby was re-elected as Mayor by a big majority. In the contest for Council seats however, there was a significant shake-up. The jury is out on the effects for the City.

The first and most obvious headline is that major projects such as the Waterfront Museum and the proposed Memorial Park to Strand Walkway are out. These are headlines only.

Of more concern is the confrontational tone of the victors of this election, collectively known as 'Pick 6'. (The electorate perhaps wisely only picked 4). Their spokesman, Murray Guy, is already clearly targeting Mayor Crosby and City CEO, Steven Town.

So who is Murray Guy and his band of merry men, and one woman. Only time will tell. My first impression is that '$10 Tauranga' is alive and well. For the sake of the City's long term development, I only hope I am wrong.

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