Friday, 20 April 2007

A New Zealand View?

Strategy Analysis Ltd, owners of the Smart Analytics portal and IP, publish a Journal called 'The View'. It focuses on Information Technology Convergence and is distributed widely to CEO's, CIO's and COO's globally.

Leading industry players and commentators from both the business and academic worlds have contributed articles to The View, focusing on technology developments and their impact on the converged space.

As I have indicated in previous posts, being based for 3 years in New Zealand, has offered me the chance to view (pardon the pun) the world from a new perspective. In the UK, the ICT sector was recognised internationally as being significant and established. In NZ, we like to think the same about ourselves. That vision offshore is not so recognisable. Think of New Zealand in the UK and other offshore markets, and people think of the All Blacks, Anchor butter, frozen lamb chops and maybe Peter Jackson. The NZ ICT sector is not seriously on the radar.

That has had an impact on some people's (vendors, suppliers and the odd client) view on my own move here three years ago. There is a sense that one has to go the extra mile (thousands in my case) to prove the same level of maturity as that possessed in larger, more recognisable markets.

Strategy Analysis Ltd is therefore looking at publishing a New Zealand focused version of The View. The intention is to ask leading NZ industry and academic specialists to contribute articles that demonstrate NZ's own particular strengths in the ICT space. The publication will be funded by advertising revenue allowing for free distribution both here and offshore.

I think it is important that we demonstrate that despite our size and location that there is an amazingly creative and innovative ICT sector in NZ. It is one thing to say this to ourselves. It is important that we demonstrate it to others.

I hope to put together a list of contributors over the next couple of weeks so we can publish an NZ-based View Journal within the next quarter. Check out this blog for progress.

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