Monday, 11 May 2009

Welcome San Fran

I do not know what it is about the States, but they certainly know how to create an impact on arrival (and I am not just referring to the Transit Lounge at LAX - this time).

It is all about size and scale. Although the view from NZ has been one of downright recession / depression here (and that is probably right), it is the pure size of the economy that we Kiwis need to think about. It might be going through a tough patch today, but as I discovered on a visit to LA a couple of years ago, the breakfast takeaway sector here exceeds New Zealand's GDP. That's a lot of chocolate muffins.......

So my focus tomorrow is based on that opportunity and how Pingar can best benefit from it. My meeting in Palo Alto at lunchtime is a follow-up to a couple already held in Auckland. It is not therefore new ground. The timing is good. I will explain why in future posts.

Right now though it is time to bed. The clock here says 7.45pm, Sunday. The same clock in London earlier would now be reading 3.45am, Monday. That's late. It's time for some sleep.

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