Monday, 16 March 2009

On the long and windy road.....

This is probably an apt description of life at Pingar at present.

A number of milestones have been set. All it requires now is for their successful execution. That means meetings and more meetings; with partners, suppliers and customers. Not forgetting of course the lawyers and the accountants.

Whilst the technology platform excites, it is the background business grunt that has to be put into place. That's 'the long and windy road'. In New Zealand, over the next few days, it takes in Taranaki, Auckland and Tauranga. In the UK, it traverses between Norfolk, London and Swansea. There appears to be no end to this particular road. Or the meetings.

Today, it included the BOP ICT Cluster Steering Committee. Tonight, it's an NZTE sponsored dinner. And then about 800 kms down that long and windy road before returning to Tauranga on Thursday.

Whilst it normally takes me 3 - 4 days to fully recover from jet lag following a lengthy offshore trip, it normally takes me 2 - 3 weeks to adjust back to my NZ way of life. 3 weeks have now passed since my last trip. I am therefore adjusted.

Taranaki, Auckland and Tauranga, beware.

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