Saturday, 1 November 2008

Taking Stock

More time to reflect.

The creation of Pingar LP and the associated first funding round really has taken up a significant amount of my time over the past three months. I am revisiting a number of other priority areas this morning and it is quite scary how old some of the last contacts have become.

Building on what we have now created is going to take some effort. I am compiling lists (I am beginning to sound like Jacqui) in the hope of prioritising my actions. There are a lot of them.

I am breaking down the priority areas into a series of tasks. By categorising each priority area into titles: For example: Product, Sales, Marketing, Investor Relations (that's a new one), Compliance etc, I am able to begin to create some order.

I am now looking at the calendar and realise that Monday is November 3rd. That means Christmas is not far away and this is New Zealand. New Zealand is closed through January. That gives me perhaps six weeks to close off these lists. That is not long.

Which is probably why at 12.46 on a Saturday morning, I am sitting in the office. Alone.

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