Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Wireless Auckland

Auckland City Council has launched a city wi-fi broadband service today covering seven zones as it strives to help stimulate business activity.

The service covers Aotea Square, Karangahape Road, Ponsonby, Remuera, and Parnell as well as the Viaduct Basin and Westhaven.

Users can access the wireless service at speeds of up to two megabits per second for $3 per hour, $6.50 per day or $30 per week.

This is good news since accessing the Internet in Auckland has always been a bit of a pain. The cost of a monthly data card would not justify its use, so I have relied on friends to access their broadband bandwidth when in the 'City of Sails'.

I think though that Auckland might just have missed a trick. Given the investment in the set-up, they could have launched this as a free service. I am not personally too concerned about 3 bucks, but imagine the PR benefit of profiling Auckland globally as an international city with world class (free) wireless infrastructure.

OK, I'll just imagine.

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