Monday, 5 January 2009

Welcome 2009!

So the Christmas and New Year season is over.

Yet this morning in New Zealand, the sun came out and another working year kicked off; at least for some of us. For others, there is the small matter of summer holidays still to attend to. For Jacqui and I, those can wait.

It has not all been sun, sea, beer and skittles these past two weeks. Oh no. For me, Xmas 2008 would have not have been the same without me finally updating my laptop's operating system from XP to Vista. That has been some party.

In fairness to Microsoft, I have only started to scratch at the surface. Already, some frustrating aspects have appeared. I cannot transfer digital video from my faithful old Sony digi-camera. Apparently the hardware device or operating system is 'not compatible'. Explain that to your seven year old niece who wants to see the Xmas Day dancing on YouTube!

And when I tried to open up McAfee, all I got was a blank window. Grrr. And I can only 'Save', but not 'Save As' in Office 2007. Where has the command gone to?

One command though that I have got use to is the 'New Year Resolution'. It strikes my left ear everytime I open a beer. And from the same source. It is the same one as last year and the same one as the year before that.

'Lose weight, get fit and stay healthy'.

Welcome then to 2009.

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